Raffia - vertaling naar Engels
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Raffia - vertaling naar Engels

Raffia; Raphia Palm; Rafia; Raffia string; Raphia (palm); Raphia (plant); Raffia (palm); Raphiinae (plant); Raffia cloth
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  • Raffia palm fruit
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n. bast, layer of sap carrying cells; strong fibers
n. raffia mat
n. Bast, Raffia


·noun A fibrous material used for tying plants, said to come from the leaves of a palm tree of the genus Raphia.


Raffia palm

Raffia palms (Raphia) are a genus of about twenty species of palms native to tropical regions of Africa, and especially Madagascar, with one species (R. taedigera) also occurring in Central and South America. R. taedigera is the source of raffia fibers, which are the veins of the leaves, and this species produces a fruit called "brazilia pods", "uxi nuts" or "uxi pods".

They grow up to 16 metres (52 ft) tall and are remarkable for their compound pinnate leaves, the longest in the plant kingdom; leaves of R. regalis up to 25 metres (82 ft) long and 3 metres (9.8 ft) wide are known. The plants are monocarpic, meaning that they flower once and then die after the seeds are mature. Some species have individual stems which die after fruiting, but have a root system which remains alive and sends up new stems which fruit.

Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor Raffia
1. I'm not like Raffi or the Wiggles.
Mandatory Fun _ Weird Al Yankovic _ Talks at Google
2. made of dyed raffia that his brother had made.
3. And a good rule of thumb that I got from Raffi Krikorian,
The Effective Engineer _ Edmond Lau _ Talks at Google